Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sermon Series: ONE

A few weeks back all officers (pastors) serving in The Eastern territory of The United States attended a week long summit to learn, contemplate and integrate a plan based on the theme 'Essential Army, Army Essentials'. This was a phenominal week of blessings.

We were challenged and encouraged by the word of God and those who spoke it. We were privalidged to share in fellowship with a great cloud of believers and fellow servants. For Nicole and I we were thankful the oppertunity to see and spend time with some of our closest friends whom we do not get to see very often.

I have come away from the week refreshed and renewed. A good thing because the challenges were ready for us when we came home. I feel it is important to share with our congregation and volunteers the vision of The Salvation Army.

To begin the sermon series I would like to preach three sermons based upon the Internation Vision cast by our current world leader, General Linda Bond. This vision is simple:
One Army
One Mission
One Message

As I begin the work of preparing these messages I would like the input of my friends, both those who attend The Salvation Army and those that don't

When you see those three statements what comes to mind? What scriptures or biblical principles do you apply to them? Feel free to comment here or send me a note through facebook.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Test. Test 1. Test 2.

For my first blog I will explain the reason behind it.....I enjoy dialoguing with other people; sharing our ideas, thoughts and beliefs. I have thought about creating a blog for quite some time.  God often speaks to me in a variety of ways so I thought I may create a blog to share some of my life's experiences and lessons with others. 

While thinking of a title that would be creative, catchy and true to myself the word Madness came to mind. This is a word that I've been fond of since my adolescence.  As a youth one of the wrestling teams my friend and I enjoyed used this name. We too utilized this for many of our backyard sports. As my teen years progressed my life went through a variety of twists and turns. My life has seen many triumphs and heart aches. You could describe accurately as madness. I continuously try  to sift through the madness. I do this through my relationship with God, friends and family. Over time one of my catch phrases is "There is a method behind my madness"

So there you have it. the title of my blog is Sorting the Madness....Making Gods way my way.